Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pakistan is will soon be get J10B

Military Forum Of China Super Camp - the most influential military forum LONDON February 11 news: According to the Russian Military News Network February 10 reports, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has announced that China and Pakistan jointly developed the JF-17 "Lightning" (China as FC-1 "Fierce Dragon") fighters in the Pakistan territory into mass production phase, the project's implementation is two an "all-weather ally" the results of military-technical cooperation.

It is reported, JF-17 fighters in Pakistan has started the aviation industry in the Kamla City, integrated plant production. Pakistan Air Force Chief of Staff of Sulaiman had announced that Pakistan had set up their first JF-17 fighter brigade, a total of 22 aircraft. Pakistan air force under the plan, Pakistan Ministry of Defence this year, JF-17 fighters will purchases an additional 50 planes, in the future will be equipped with a total of 270.

In mid-November 2010 Pakistan Air Force said its air force to prepare for the use of Chinese JF-17 fighters equipped with radar and missile production, the details being unknown. Earlier reports said only the Palestinian fighters will be equipped with SD-10 medium-range missiles. The drafting of the current Pakistani military has begun on the JF-17 fighter planes to upgrade the performance of specific requirements, the initial parameters is not yet available. It is said that the French company Dassault and the South African Daniel told the Pakistani aircraft had expressed interest in modernizing project.

JF-17 fighters top speed of 2,200 kilometers, a range of 3,000 km, with a 23 mm cannon, a total of seven mount point, you can use a variety of missiles, rockets uncontrolled, free fall bombs and guided bombs.

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